What is the SOFO ambassador Program?

The School of Fishing at its core is a business that promotes learning and improving upon ones skills in the world of fishing! However much of this learning is
offered through various services to the students either through our schools often at prime lodges, retreats and destinations which can take place over the course of several days to a week. We also offer much shorter learning sessions in the forms
of fishing clinics that run 1-2 days long. So how does this all fit in with an ambassador program?

It all begins with finding the right Pro Ambassadors who are willing to go on the destination fishing school excursions and show up at the fishing clinics to help our students and instructors successfully put on theses courses for the school of fishing.
Truth be told there are more fishing school destination opportunities being turned down by the SOF team due to the fact that the founders, Greg and Dave simply can not attend every one of the programs. We know crazy right?

So this is where YOU come in.... As a Pro ambassador the SOF will send you on these destination school excursions and often times you will be compensated for attending and acting as an ambassador on behalf of the SOF team. Sometimes equipped with with the latest and greatest fishing gear provided from one of our partnering sponsors for that specific School destination.
In doing this, we seek to know your feed back about the gear as well.

If you love to teach, help and give back to not just the sport of fish but also the fishing community new or old than reach out to us to see if you're the next great fit for our brand.

Got your attention? Here are 3 easy steps to the SOFO Ambassador Program

Step 1

Reach of to fish@schooloffishing.co to get your profile initated if SOF agrees you'd be a great fit! Send your social media platform username, why you think you'd be a great fit, and a photo we can use to advertise you joining the team.

Step 2

We will reach out to you with an email of the conditions required to meet the ambassador criteria to earn your perks. This email will include your special link code to promote on social media plaforms and a gift certificate to choose some merch right off the bat!

Step 3

Once this link is popped into your social media bios and descriptions for your fans to click! We will track any engagement and purchases from your followers interacting with our site. Every store purchase builds up your points, cash return, and perks. Therefore, it will benefit you as an ambassador to share the link anywhere you can to build perks up quicker and get closer to one of our exclusive destination trips!

  • Payton Hanssen

    Payton is an extraordinary angler who is well diversified as multi species fly fisher and conventional angler. Payton sits a ambassador and pro staff too many big brands, in addition to
    teaching women how to fly fish. Payton is fishing guide and YouTube content creator with strong loyal following. More recently Payton has been developing online e courses with the school of fishing for students to learn new skills and refresh past ones. SOF is extremely excited to have Payton Hanssen as an ambassador.

  • Darren Huntsman

    Darren is a well seasoned Stillwater fly fisher, who absolutely just loves being on the water. Darrens deep knowledge of stillwater fly fishing with in the mid states area gives Darren the opportunity to hone in his stillwater skills. Darren is also the owner a stillwater clothing focused brand which he runs in his spare time. Darren is working towards building his stillwater brand and teaching this fishing niche to others.


Reach out to get started: